Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Happiness is a repaired computer.
My long personal computing career has always been limited to Apples - my first was an Apple-II purchased in Feb. 1982 - I was by no means the "first on the block" but they were just becoming popular. That was followed by an Apple IIe and an Apple IIGS. I still have a software IIGS simulation program that lets you run apple-2 stuff on a Mac (not the new ones with the intel chip, however) I finally threw out boxes and boxes of 7.25" floppies a few years ago - some with the first "Basic" programs I ever wrote. I still have boxes and boxes of 400K & 800K 3.5" floppies if anyone wants them
I stuck with Apple IIs for about ten years, waiting until 1993 to get my first Mac - a color classic. A couple of years later I bought my last Desktop - A powerMac 7500 which I tinkered with and added to until I got my first laptop - a PowerBook G3 "Lombard" in 1999. It still works very well, thank you, even though the battery is shot.
Three years later I purchased a titanium PowerBook G4 which also is still running despite a broken hinge. That's the one I've been using since my latest - a MacBook Pro 17 - lost its internal HD.
This is the first catastrophic failure I've had that I couldn't fix myself - I'd actually replaced the HD in the Lombard - just took careful tinkering and tiny fingers - but fortunately there is an Apple re-seller - Guru in town who was able to remove the HD, strip out and save most of the data, and replace it with a faster, bigger one - all in less than 48 hours.
Unfortunately I had not backed up finances, photos, correspondence, etc since last June, so I was much relieved when he was able to retrieve most of the data. I'll back up more often in the future - I keep telling myself.

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