Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Decade

Happy New Decade

I find myself in the rather strange position of looking at this one not as a beginning, rather as an ending.
I will be 80 in April, which rather limits my expectations about greeting 2020 - but you never know.
I've been blogging probably longer than you have - blogging certainly has changed - not always for the better - and I certainly have seen a world change - not always for the better. Unlike many of my generation, I am not particularly dissatisfied by the world that emerged from the twentieth century.
I really enjoy the opportunity to have a few friends I have never and will probably never meet. Their viewpoints and ideas are fascinating and certainly help color my own. Thanks, you guys.
A phenomena most young folks don't seem to understand is that many of us old farts don't think of ourselves as old and come up against our age-related disabilities with somewhat of a shock. Also many of us have a lot of trouble seeing the world through "new eyes" and worry that the world we grew up in and found comfortable no longer exists and isn't coming back.
I do not count myself among that group, rather I really like this Brave New World.
I would caution my younger readers that the "Age of Excess" is over. The world you grow up in will will be one where a lot more thought about expending energy, resources, and income will be necessary. I think "Living within your means" will be a lot more prevalent than the "Spend, Spend, Spend - uphold our way of living and our economy" ideas your parents grew up with.
As a child of the Great Depression, I find this changing attitude somewhat familiar and satisfying.