Sunday, January 11, 2009

A New Year, A New Experience

I really do not use this blogsite very much but would like to make some fairly obvious remarks about the future.

The U.S. is very probably going to undergo drastic political, financial, and social changes in the next couple of years - and not necessarily those they would have preferred.
Barak Obama was elected to lead the country in a new direction but events have overtaken him and the best he will be able to do is hurry to get in front of the parade and perhaps try to influence it's course. Fortunately he seems to be a thoughtful type  with some idea of where he wants to go. I wish him well.

Directions we should take:
1. Correct the oversight abuses and shortcomings that have contributed to the economic downturn. It is unlikely that much can be done to reverse the economy, but at least the government can act to keep it from getting worse.
2. Move toward a universal single-payer healthcare system. This will be very difficult but our children will thank us.
3. Renew the physical and intellectual infrastructure - from the power grid and roads to the educational system
4. Completely revise our foreign policy so as to correct as many of the blunders of the past decade as possible.
5. And most difficult of all: Try to calm the unreasoning suspicion and fear  in the American people  that has been so carefully encouraged so as to keep us compliant and docile.