Friday, December 14, 2007

Like I really need another blogsite

As some of my correspondents are here on blogger, I'll be posting not-very-exciting stuff here from time to time.
As we are approaching (approaching -HAH!) the political season, most of my comments will probably be about the upcoming selection of candidates and the subsequent campaign.
I can make some fearless predictions at this point: The Demos will select either Clinton or Obama as their candidate. there is the possibility that neither will get a clear majority on the first ballot and we might see the return of smoke-filled room politics so dear to the politicians of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In that case Edwards and Biden will surely play a roll.
The Republicans do not have such clear choices at this point- I am pretty sure Giuliani will self-destruct as will Huckabee. Romney is a smoother politician and despite his religion and rumors that he believes Jesus and Satan are brothers (ah politics...)
Romney will get the nomination. I can't imagine why he would want it - but hey, suffer a's good for you.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Tychecat's Blog

This is a new trial blog